Saturday, March 13, 2010

I'm Sorry -OR- No Really, I'm Sorry.

“I urge the administration to spend more time working to stop Iran from building nuclear bombs and less time concerned with zoning issues in Jerusalem,” Mark Kirk said in a statement.

Zoning issues in Jerusalem? (You know who else used clever linguistics to justify his irrational viewpoints?)

Unhinged from reality is never acceptable. Doesn't matter if you're in election mode or not Commander Kirk.

If you are one of the many who are unaware of Mark Kirk consider yourself blessed. That he's the projected next contestant to fill the Everett Dirksen, Ralph Tyler, Adlai Stevenson, Allan Dixon, Carol Mosely Braun, Peter Fitzgerald, Barack Obama, Roland Burris seat in the U.S. Senate deserves to make him an object of more than passing interest.

He's good at populism-infused statements like the above. Good at linking unrelated efforts and making them seem inseparable. Resistant to discussing two unrelated things on their individual merits without dragging in some bizarre linkage to bolster his conflations. You know the type. "I'd love to vote for Health Care Reform but Flying Sea Serpents make Tax Cuts the only hope."

He's co-chair of the "Tuesday Group" PAC, "Promoting the Republican Mainstream Agenda". As Congresscritter of IL-10 his constituency is a broad spectrum. His supporters are mainly the North Shore's landed gentry. And veterans. And anti-democrats.

But anyway, back to zoning issues in Jerusalem...

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