Thursday, November 20, 2008

Random non-specific idiocy -OR- What's my bid?

The first of a series of random non-specific idiocy plucked from the ether. It's ubiquitous. You can't avoid it. Rather than ignore it, which would be the sane thing to do, why not take it for a spin?
I've chosen to dis-include comments that make specific charges and allegations. That would be too easy.

"The damage done over the next four years will take decades to repair, but a new generation of voters will learn a valuable lesson. Socialism is not compatable with freedom and economic prosperity."

I'm fairly certain that after every presidential election only the supposed "lesson learned" has changed. The non-winning side of any contest is reticent to admit they deserved to lose. This time is different only by the contortions needed to make that argument. What is a little bit strange is the extent to which Rs have been willing to throw The Shrub and much of Der Glorious Great and Magnificent Reagan (chorus of angels) under the bus to salve their wounds.

The worm has turned. The knuckle-head-in-chief, who was stamped as the penultimate
realization of the conservative movement due to his keen eye, compassion and breeding, is now a pariah. He, alone, is responsible. The conservative stable, who have vilified, dismissed, demonized and dined on Li bur al strawmen and patsies, smugly declaring victory whenever they pulled out the RWR sledge-o-matic, now wash their hands of the whole mess. Better yet, they've bagged it up, put it on the Ds porch, lit it on fire and rang the doorbell.

Ring and run. Dine and dash. PANTY RAID!!! BEER BONG! We are still the champions!
Unwittingly, the only way for "True Conservatives" to achieve this delusion is to burrow further and deeper into OPPOSITE WORLD. We still have it! The high ground.
The icons. The legends. Don't examine what we did! It was all GOOD, trust us. Who are you going to believe? Your own lying eyes or The Newter?

Ignoring reality, from their weakened, discredited, disconnected perch surveying their accomplishments (aka our National Nightmare), the right still asserts they are the party of solutions, the party of patriots, deserving of the spotlight. ME! ME! ME!

Compulsion, bordering on obsession with their own delusions that having it their way is not what went wrong. Listen to them at your own peril. Ignore them? Peril too.
We are still 61 days away from inauguration day. Damage control? Damage infliction?
After spending the better part of three decades propping up unsustainability for short-term gain at the expense of long-term stability and security, people who have yet to have a say are being set up to take the blame.

Is there any reason? Any plausible explanation at all, why the Republican Brand and specifically the Conservative flavor of that line should still have access to the marketplace of ideas? Aren't they in fact, the Ayd's Diet Plan of 2008?

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