Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good News/Bad News -OR- Downhill all the way.

The Crook County Assessor has announced yet another delay in delivery of the SEPTEMBER property tax bills (2nd installment). The new date they're shooting for is December 1st.

Typically, taxpayers have 21 days to pay. This puts the penalty phase for non-payment beginning the week of CHRISTMAS.

Season's Greetings. The good news, you'll have a robust balance in the taxes jar to splurge and spend on Christmas shopping.

Oh, and all you schools and small towns who were stretching to get through September until the EAGLE shit arrives will probably not see a dime until 2010. FYI: The line for tax-anticipation loans forms to RIGHT. You'll just have to cut the juice out of your already skeletal-ly emaciated 2010 budget. Happy New Year!!!

Lives of several million people are being fucked with because the county blew the deadline. It's okay though, they gave themselves another extension. But HELL YEAH! Let's have the Olympic Games! Eyes on the PRIZE guys, eyes on the prize.

The ball has nothing to fear. The county took their eye off that months ago...

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