Thursday, November 27, 2008

SAS* theater -OR- These are not the ruinous, phucktard droids you seek.

Lt. Tirebiter: "What kinda chump do you take me for?"
Nick Danger: "First Class!"

"and it all came rushing back to me like the hot kiss at the end of a wet fist...
twenty-five years later and she still knocked me out."

"Rocky Rococo at your cervix."

Driftglass has done it again.

No post-mortem. No highlights. No fact-checking. No separate checks. Move along folks, nothing happened, nothing to see here. No justice. Can't. No time for that.
In case you didn't notice we are the epicenter of a clusterfuck. Let the historians sort it out. Right now, your patriotic duty is...

Stay tuned, in six weeks you will be issued further directives.

What's the worst that could happen if there was a REAL audit? What? The financial markets might tumble? Our remaining industries might go bankrupt? War might break out? DOH!

But wait, what might REALLY happen if there were a REAL audit? The same people who have rigged the "system" privitizing profit and nationalizing risk; banking our diverted assets into their own accounts might lose everything? Boo hoo. Fair is fair.
Yeah, their screams will be shrill and deafening, their outrage will be deep and abiding. "We rigged this game fair and square." You can't retroactively punish us for getting rich from it.

Umm, Buddy... three little words... YES WE CAN!

Beyond that, the wristless might not get restless and reach for the cookie jar EVER AGAIN. Unless that, they won't even be inclined to take a break from their pursuit of having it all.

A message needs to be sent. That is our moral imperative. Elsewise, fledgling democracies around the world will replicate our mistakes, perpetuate our lies, and piss people off. Some of whom aren't sufficiently trained to switch to khakis on demand.

* Short attention span

BTW, Happy Thanksgiving. Gotta jump and scrub the kitchen floor for company.
Maybe next year we can be truly thankful that the nightmares visited upon our planet have been indicted, divested and properly shamed (READ: beaten half to death; twice.)
Their assets seized and used to pay off their debt.


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