Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sucking Seed -OR- Can I get a doggie bag?

He was the kind of man who created his own death.
--Epitaph for Ailchino Furuneo- F.Herbert

It's a Whipping Star kind of day.

Wait for it... Here it comes...

"But look how nice Obama and Biden dress! Did you ask for their receipts too?

Do we have time to do this now? Right now? With less than two weeks to go?
After all it's all LEGAL. These are valid campaign expenses under McCain/Feingold.
Embarassing? Sure, but 100% LEGALLY allowed.
Besides... the wardrobe will be donated to charity anyways."

Isn't this just S.O.P. in politics?

Actually it's not. This is a new old wrinkle. This is Mike Dukakis Tank Helmet territory. Ill-advised, half-baked, licentious, out-of-touch, SELF-Destruction.
This one just carried a heftier price tag. Candidates and parties have been self-inflicting wounds even before John MeCain chiseled his first vote onto the tally slab.

We will have to fight our way through this latest "you look mahvelous, dahling!" superficiality too.

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