Friday, October 3, 2008

21% said Palin won the debate -OR- Crazy BASE World Crazy For DITZ

I will not say "We have got to". I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to". I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".I will not say "We have got to".

Sorry, I slipped into a 60's Catholic school reflex. Rote, rote, rote. But, when you're a maaaaaaavrik, you're a maaaaaavrik all the way and mangling the language is just part of your charm?

What do you gots? Is our children learning? What do we gots? We gots us a new NEW-CUE-LURE animatron who showed us the error of our ways.

If she masters the "Well, bless her heart" dismissive subjunctive case between now and election day she might boost that support up to TWENTY ONE PERCENT.

In Opposite World that's a slam-dunk cakewalk. Sarah's greeted as a liberator. A winking breath of fresh air. SarahBaracuda kicked some ass.

REALLY? Aw, Geezums. I guess I just don't got the right pursepective.

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