Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tea With Taib -OR- Move Bitches, Get Out The Way!

I must say I'm torn. With all of the things in desperate need of attention, having to deal with another scam is not helping.

Tea Crackers

"At root, the Tea Party is nothing more than a them-versus-us thing. They know who they are, and they know who we are ("radical leftists" is the term they prefer), and they're coming for us on Election Day, no matter what we do — and, it would seem, no matter what their own leaders like Rand Paul do."

Facts are just so inconvenient and largely irrelevant to this manufactured movement. So the revelations and insights laid out in Matt Taibbi's vivisection are unlikely to do more, within the movement, than convince them of their need to double down on the crazy.

They belong to something that is bigger than anything. ever. Foisted upon such a select throng of unthinking boobs. So fear-filled, so distrustful, so gullible.
They believe every word, and why shouldn't they? The evidence is everywhere.

Since they've apparently only recently awakened from their 30-year nap, it is their patriotic duty to ring the alarm bell. Exercising the constitutional rights as explained to them by Faux Noise shilling for Dick Armey who's in the fleece business (or is that fleecing?). Mining righteous indignation for fun and profit.

In a nutshell Taibbi explains: "My head is starting to hurt. Arguments with Tea Partiers always end up like football games in the year 1900 — everything on the ground, one yard at a time."

They don't know what they're doing, they don't know who they're doing it for, they don't grasp how we got to this point, but now they're demanding that it be fixed. IMMEDIATELY! without bothering them or theirs...


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