Friday, January 9, 2009

Points to belabor -OR- Rote, Rote, Rote your Boat

Since we'll be off the tilt-a-whirl in short order, it's of vital importance that we stick the landing.
Because you may initially be a bit woozy and disoriented we can simplify the necessary instructions down to just two rules.

  1. EVERYTHING publicly legislated for or against, catapulted into crisis mode, implemented, commissioned, decommissioned, regulated or de-regulated since 1980 has been aimed against everything that stood as our stated goals and values before 1980.
  2. If you think a certain element falls outside the bounds of Rule #1 you are mistaken.
Evidence: despoiling the myth of Reagan is a sin.

What you will see and hear may sound queer and funny to you ears, a little bit jumbled and jivy, but MARES EAT OATS AND DOES EAT OATS and little lost lambs eat ivy.

No longer will this be our society's policy and moral compass. The "next guy" is dead. So is the "other guy". It's just me and you. It's a once in your lifetime opportunity. Miss it, and we will enter another era of futility.

We will not blindly trust. We will not contort our thinking. We will see and hear the truth, especially the ugly truth. So that there's no confusion, we've been hurtling along, making good time, but on the wrong road. We're so many light years off-course that the crew fomented a mutiny. The undoing, backtracking and correcting that MUST take place will be wet work. The cleaners will try to be discrete but you will see and hear feigned screams of torture and anguish from human shields. Pay no heed, they are but the facade. Trust your heightened senses, remember the pain you've endured. Remember that not so long ago past when fear didn't prop up everything. When we were obliviously content with not being protected from every conceivable ill. When the meaning of life was not reflected on ANY scoreboard.
Least of all one that measured the bottom line to the exclusion of everything else.

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