Friday, December 5, 2008

When Worlds Collide -OR- U Missed da Boat

As much as I would love to dive fully and deeply into Zappadan. And note with wry amusement the wry amusement the current circus would provide Mr. Zappa's warped muse, his essential humanity might be less than celebratory too.

Forget the out, just keep bailing and whatever you do, don't look back. or down. or to the horizon for the calvary. Reality is exerting its forces on Opposite World.

So how's that working out for you? Unless you are standing on your head, sitting on profit from wise investing or harboring a golden goose, you must be wondering how the fuck we got here. This brave new world. Did you get your revised map yet? Did you remember to bring your towel?

Well, we're not there yet. The collision is still in progress. Train-wreck TV!
Where will the final numbers end up? Did anyone actually consider crumple zones during the engineering phase? Over in Opposite World we witness the incompetent designers and abettors of the debacle grilling the incompetent designers and benefactors; cum panhadlers. Then posing for pictures. That's perhaps the realest moment of the surreality that is unfolding. Awkward as hell, clueless fucks not sure whether to smile for the cameras, dig deep for that look that exudes confidence that all is right with the world, just a bit of turbulence, nothing to fret OUR silly heads about, or RICSAS.

Now is today in tomorrow land. All the marginalized and tagged as delusional worry-warts wish they could just stand back and watch the disaster they foretold unfold in all its gory glory. Sadly, unlike the rapture to which many, many staunch advocates of the terraforming of America subscribed, there is no whisking away to idyllic paradise. No. For worse or worser our fates are inseparably tangled. Our warnings unheeded, our concerns ridiculed, our pleas for sensible adult behavior arbitrarily dismissed because, the really bad shit only happens to people who deserve it. So if bad shit is happening to you, you have only yourself to blame.

You'll note that nobody is stepping forward to own this clusterfuck. No one thing caused the collision, it's just one of those funny things that happened on the way to prosperity. Hey, it worked real good didn't it?

The proof of Opposite World. The lead-pipe cinch? While 80% are frantically altering their habits, lifestyles, expectations and plans to do the same or more with less, the 20% are STILL saying EVEN MORE will save the day. How much more? Nobody can say. Where will it come from? Tomorrow land of course. If at first you don't succeed, keep sucking `til you suck seed.

More holes than plugs, more bilge than pump, more leaks than stoppers. People who bought disbelief as reality, who flogged this noble steed well past the limits of a physical universe, appear stunned, dismayed and nonplussed. How do feign disbelief of your own disbelief? Of course, you don't. You must feign outrage and anger at whatever demon you can summon. Point fingers at clueless dupes, wag your finger angrily and verbally punish them for the egregiousness of their stupidity while hoping that it all would just go away.

Someday we'll look back on all of this and laugh. We will emerge steeled and determined. Until then, keep your powder dry. Hang tough. When the smoke clears,
WHO THE FUCK KNOWS. We can hope the salvage team that's waiting for a January 20th green light can do something amazing AND FAST, but the chain-reaction could be going past critical as I type.

When that day of laughter arrives, I hope I'm there to smack the stupid off that moron's face. For to laugh at what has and will transpire forthwith, would mean we've drifted away towards Opposite World. AGAIN.

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