Sunday, December 28, 2008

Meanwhile Back In Opposite World -OR- Doh!

Waiting can be a tedious chore. Doubly so when the crowd arrives blaming you for the delays. Trebly so when they insist you must carry their load. You packed light, wore comfortable, sensible shoes and have been ready to go. They arrive painfully late, fashionably dressed and insist on bringing everything with them. Sorry. If this is the trip, I'll wait for the next one and hope it isn't another 30 years in coming.

As I read/watch/hear all the epiphanies dawning on the dim, affected, pretentious spawn of our recent awakenings, I can't help but want to see some heads on poles, some pillories in the public square and telltale tar/feather residue along the rails.
You may be that civilized, I'm not. Not to be mean, harsh, rude, crude or insensitive, but fuck that. It's not really all that complicated.

WE endured their circus. WE didn't inhale. WE didn't drink the kool-aid. Not WE. WE didn't start the fire. WE refused to be stupid. WE were roundly laughed at, dismissed, insulted, marginalized and ignored. WE downsized, compacted, prepared for the worst which you were intent on providing. WE watched the farce unfold.

Now it's here and has only just begun. There's a lot of rhetoric about the need to preserve what remains. Why? For whom? So the privileged can continue without having to face the harsh reality they wrought? Nope, ain't gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent. It's still clear that WE are unwelcome with our logic and science and underlying insistence on equity and fairness.

WE will not allow you to do us again. WE do this together or you can do it yourself. WE do this for all of us or WE stop pretending to be okay with your precepts of fairness. Otherwise, WE've already played this game.

More of the same, without fundamental, ironclad agreements on the terms is unlikely to fly. Tamping the pain threshold down below a level that will perpetuate this crap is a surefire plan to be back at square one again. The HAVES "earned" the lion's share of the tab. Any intention of shirking one iota of responsibility must be dismissed as unfair and irrational.

It'll take WORK to get things done. Not just rhetoric and paper promises, but real work by those who understand WORK. The premiums attached to capital and the parasitic froo-froo who've attached to the commonweal need the most serious correction.

While it will never be utopia and there will always be inequity and unfairness, the scales must now be re-calibrated for a more sustainable model.

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