Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Oh what the hell, one more... -OR- Nuff Said UPDATED

Lines at 5:30 am. Lines at 6 am. Lines at 7 AM... Is this an election or an all day coke party?

It's too early? So I'll be poll watching, looking for an opening.
It could be worse. I might be William K. Wolfrum. He is live blogging Faux News coverage HERE. I'm sure it'll be amusing and entertaining in a sense, but... oh, the humanity...

UPDATE: Done. Lots of love in the lines. Incident report: Indignant woman became somewhat loud when told she could not wear her MePalin pin inside the polling place.

Exit observations via the small grocery store across the street... Potatoes are a big mover. "I VOTED!" stickers gets you 25% off. BMW parked outside had W bumper sticker just beneath the OBAMA 08 sticker. I'll take the vote, but to be stupid AND LAZY?

Portal to portal elapsed time: 1 hour.

Yet I wonder, still I wonder, who'll stop the reign?
And is this still a possibility?

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