Monday, November 10, 2008

No, OH NO, You can't do that - OR - Nope, not that either.

Remember that LI BUR AL media we have in this country? You know the ones who were in the tank for Obama? Positively salivating over the prospects of a black president? Well, just so you know how empty -and utterly ridiculous- assigning an ideological political empathy to an entity whose sole function relies on the friction of our interactions could exhibit anything but feigned interest in its own ideology, I offer up the past 5 days as evidence of said emptiness.

The "yeah buts" have been flying fast and furious. The lead may be Obama's elected, yet the bleed is what he will absolutely, positively NOT be able to do. Taxes, health care, the wars, Congress, this, that, the other thing, Obama can't do anything different than what his circumstances dictate. Any perceived move to alter the prolificly successful status quo would cause a panic. There can be no "hard over" on our present course. The President-elect, despite his victory, will be leash trained well before the first inaugural dance.

Now is no time to be pissing off the minority party? Now is not a good time to do anything that might send the wrong signal to corporations that he fully intends to make good on his campaign promises. He NEEDS them now and accomodations will be made to their demands.

I hope you're watching this unfold. Before euphoria and hope could get its first gulp of free air, it's being smothered with the well-meaning self-serving, and still consistently WRONG urgings of the purveyors of the same-old-shit. If there's a bias, it's definitely not a LI BUR AL one. Can we retire this excuse along with the rest of the tired out, used up, empty shit and just get on with it?

You don't know,
You've just been told.
and told. and told. and told.
What you say is just too bold.

Are we really this stupid?

or do they just think we are?

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