Monday, August 25, 2008

Signing off, taking the pledge. OR You won't find it here.

Gee I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't be afraid anymore.
It's liberating. Really liberating and I know I'm not alone.
What I don't know is whether I'm not alone in a large enough group to
finally, mercifully and completely put an end to the pushers, dealers and cheerleaders of FEAR.

This isn't a disclaimer. I will not backslide. They just can't fuck with me anymore.
I recognize that I'm being fucked with so I just move on to something else. I'm convinced, so I don't need any more encouragement, reinforcement, reminding.

This is the home stretch. It's a long stretch and if you are just tuning in, DON'T.
You'll be told how important the upcoming election is. Then you will be inundated with a shitload of pettiness, nitpicking, parsing, analysis, conjecture, wishful thinking and speculation. None of which improves, clarifies or explains ANYTHING.

Are there really any UNDECIDED voters left? If so, will their hope and poke vote in November be what decided the election of 2008? That is the fear that's currently being foisted, so ask yourself WHY? Is there a biodome somewhere in which people have lived for the past 30 years?

I can understand the reluctance this time to leave NOTHING to chance. But the plain truth is that you cannot have drawn breath on this planet, in this country and in these times and not know to the marrow of your bones that its a clusterfuck and who is to blame. I don't care how the media tries to keep the game interesting, this game is over.

This is what I have to believe. There can be no other outcome. THIS game is over.
It's not overconfidence, not delusional, not something I undertake at my own peril.
It's just that there's a lot of under the radar vectors more deserving of attention.
They will be using the distractions as stunningly cunning and clever cover and attempt nipping at our flanks.

Enjoy the shows, fear not, when the dust settles, Faux News will still suck more than the rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The polls are there for the same reason the MSM is their, to profit from the process . . .

Obama's ground game where he is leading 35:1 or more over McCain in numbers of personal contact alone ensures turnout and victory.

I'm with ya, and after tonight's MASTERFUL HRC speech, a speech of her life, for the ages . . . we is in.

Me and mine are goin festin, catch up with you and the blogs after Labor Day Holiday.

Just us and 5,000 of our best friends camping out for four days.

We'll hoist a few for ya inbetween stage sets and camp jams . . :D