Left Foot Green- Right Hand Blue. Pop a Six and you move twice!
This dietary supplement provides no nutritional value. Offer void where applicable.
With Old Faithful regularity, issues that aren't issues are hotly debated to lend a vital air of import to the largely unimportant activities being passed off as "running things". The minutiae being parsed out, boiled down, reformulated and distilled into "squeezins" 24/7/365 is then ceremoniously held out as the hope of all mankind. It is subsequently barely regarded by nearly all of mankind.
At the end of the day, tomorrow will be another.
Whether or not we get sucked into these vortices is proportional to our skin in the games, but like it or not we are connected to, influenced and impacted by decisions, policies and actions implemented through our established decision making process.
It is an intricate web connected to everything; for better or worse.
Early on, each strand of the web was established with reason and purpose for the greater good, against the greater evils known to man. To fix things. To guard against the known excesses and transgressors. Today, you would be hard pressed to find anything still operating under that mindset. These are the silent encroachments predicted by James Madison. Ripsaws distanced from their original intent. Things no longer shackled or limited by its original design or purpose, but still connected by the strands of our interdependent rugged independence.
Like most webs, they pose no obstacle to cunning and skill or determination. What they do accomplish, with amazing success, is to transfer disturbances throughout the realm. Little or no information transfers along, so it becomes difficult to determine the source. It also becomes easy to point the finger of blame at anything.
or AWAY from anything.
That's a whole lotta shakin' going on and it limits movement; let alone PROGRESS.
Friday, April 30, 2010
You Are What You Eat: Menu #4,304 -OR- Same Old Shit
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Signal to Noise Ratio -OR- WTF?
What else can I do? I've got the squelch knob turned up to eleventy! I wish I could riff on the stupid shit like the cool kids, but I'd actually prefer to attempt to add to a relevant, productive discourse. With Bleed-over (Bleeding: Interference caused by a station operating on a channel adjacent to yours: "Someone's bleeding on you" or "We got some bleedover." See also "step on" and "walk on.") it's tough to get a non-discouraging word in edgewise.
It's great fun and all since it requires only knee-jerks, but it's hardly helpful.
The truly maddening part is that it is deliberate. Predictably measured and deliberate to achieve a desired outcome, like shouting CUBS RULE in a Sout Side White Sox bar on nickel beer night. Then stepping aside to observe the carnage.
Chum for the pundits who will gnaw on it, toy with it, extrapolate it to its absurd
without thought OR conscience.
Less filling... Tastes Great! Mr. Hand versus Jeff Spicoli. Rob Petrie versus the Footstool? When was the last time you heard an actual debate by our deliberative bodies that didn't consist of spoon-fed cliches at a target demographic? Not gainsaying, diversions, cough-talk, code-speak or recalling the out of context, immortal words of St. Ronald hisself or some other shade of politics past. None of which address the problems, all of which serving only as cover for lack of original thought.
Gay marriage? Immigration? Really? Is there an iota of difference between MTP and Access Hollywood? Between the NYfuckingTimes and National Enquirer? Shouldn't there be?
And now for something completely different? David Gregory with two assholes. Wolf Blitzer with an even dozen! Deja F.U.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Someday; Some Way -OR- Ain't Hurtin' Nobody
Lesbian state rep makes plea for same-sex marriage.
State Rep. Deborah Mell Pushes For Gay Marriage In Illinois.
Gov. Pat Quinn opposes same-sex marriage, but has said in the past that he expects civil unions to be legalized in the future.
Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady has called for a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and civil unions.
Meanwhile, depending on whose figures you use, the state of Illinois is between $9 and 15 BILLION in the hole for FY 2010. They are slow-paying everyone they can. They are no-paying wherever possible. The trickle down terrorism facing schools, health care, safety net programs and uncertainty for any marginalizable effort is a loud and loudening roar.
Meanwhile, a small group of state reps and local activists have called for deployment of the Illinois National Guard on the streets of Chicago to help police try to slow down the gun violence.
Meanwhile, the roustabouts are busy erecting the big top for this summer's main event, The Blago Trial.
Meanwhile, a 300% increase in foreclosed developments is creating a health and safety hazard due to decay, neglect and the active strip-mining of building materials.
Meanwhile, Illinois roads are rated the 10th bumpiest in the country.
Meanwhile, convention and tourism business is down.
With everything going so well here in Illinois why would Mell want to complicate matters? She's slipping over the border into Iowa to tie the knot. Iowa, with it's budget gap of $400 million or roughly half what Illinois' pols in Springfield spend on paper for the indictments of politicians?
I tell ya, it's just a joy to skim the news of the day.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
That Touch of Serling -OR- Cue Theme From TWZ
Did anyone else try to watch the History Channel's "America: The Story of US"? Holy Fuckmoley! Such a severe disconnect between aggrandized glorification of our anti-empire birth and our present superpower projectionism? The blind spot is astounding!
Was that the point of the exercise? Was this just a sinister DFH plot to connect the dots and expose our failure to learn from our own history? Somehow I doubt it. The Georges were on prominent display with our George emerging as the more regal of the two. The patriots broke the rules of civilized society and won a world changing victory. They broke those rules because "civilized society" had gotten too self-important and uncaring for the difficulties their privileged status caused for anyone else.
How can that not be history's lesson for today?
Meet the new boss; same as the old boss.
As Americans, we need to be keenly aware of the consequences of power structures that neglect, dismiss and victimize the powerless. I suppose one might say that makes me a sympathizer. I prefer thinking of it as an UNDERSTANDER. Someone who's trying like heck to learn the lessons our own history is trying to teach.
Tempus Fuggit -OR- Blink it's Monday
Wha happened??? It was just Thursday? Now it's Monday.
The meat-world is just as messed up as it always is, but how the hell did I
fall off? I wish I could say I don't remember the last 4 days. That I was in the throes of drunken drug-addled/aided debauchery with no care of the cost or consequence. OR that I was doing something fun and productive, but the truth is
completely mundane, uninteresting and somewhat pointless.
It's not that I had BETTER things to do, just OTHER things. The backyard gazebo frame did get a new top. The poorly maintained and stored lawnmower was coaxed back to life enough to tackle the mixture of weeds and clover that passes for our lawn. An application of weed and feed was optimistically put down in hope of giving any actual grass a fighting chance.
Our over-wintered plants in pots emerged to enjoy actual sunlight. This is no small feat in itself. What began a dozen years ago as an attempt to nurture a fledgling lemon tree has expanded to encompass 20 large-ish pots and planters that seasonally take over the laundry room.
I'm not sure if this is either wise or cost-effective. There's something satisfying about not having to visit the garden center to compete and compare with other week-end gardeners, but we still manage to need more every year. It's still too early to do any substantial planting, but getting prepared for that is time-consuming.
On Saturday, my chores finally paid off. We defied the weather guessers and invited friends and neighbors over for impromptu cocktails on the veranda. A small, eclectic group of excellence. The artist, the journalist, the teachers and plenty of laughter.
We all needed it. For six lovely hours we compared notes, swapped stories and made plans to do this more regularly.
I may have to make this my new movement. Give up trying to change or fix the stuff that drives us crazy and revel in the shared understanding that six hours may not save the planet, but sure make it a more tolerable place to be. So for now, that's what I will look forward to; the next improptu get-together. There will be some attempt at planning that will need to be squelched to keep it loose. Then maybe it can evolve into a regular non-event that's as normal as mowing the weeds.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Edgar Guest vs Edwin Carp -OR- Flip Sides
It Couldn't Be Done
Edgar Guest
Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done," and you'll do it.
By Edwin Carp
Somebody said it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied,
"Maybe it couldn't, but I will be one,
Who'll never say 'No!' 'til I've tried."
So he buckled right in,
With a trace of a grin
On his face, if he worried he hid it.
And he tackled the thing that couldn't be done,
And he couldn't do it.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Talking Points -OR- You Can't Get There From Here
At some point -hopefully very, very soon- it will be time to talk turkey, stay ON point and manage to dispel the purposeful fog blown into any and all attempts at serious discussion. When that day arrives, the purposely bred, opportunistic misanthropes, blowholes and shills who currently dominate the dais will be unmasked and all the two-stepping and backpedaling in their repertoire will not mitigate accountability. That comfortable nest they've feathered, above the fray, while claiming to speak for the common folk will not escape. They won't be able to deflect, distract, disavow or dazzle anymore.
Stand and Deliver. The teat you're suckling with your quisling behaviors doesn't provide the kind of impunity on which you've feasted. Despite the seeming tolerance and forgetfulness by which you sustain, there is a collective memory out there whose patience is not unlimited. The limits you pretend as not applicable to your activities are gonna get you. You are ill-fit for that world, so it's not surprising that you pretend it doesn't exist, but we're out here; WAITING for you.
I cannot bring myself to hold forth on the "Bozo du Jour" the way other blogs do. I refuse to add to the gainsaying that passes for discourse. Every time I've thought that we've reached the limit of how inane or insane our societal A.D.D. can possibly get, I've been WRONG. I tell myself that I should know better, but there's really nowhere left for me to avoid the all-engulfing, all-distracting bullshit anymore. Except here?
My awareness of "there", is similar to theirs of HERE. The difference pivots on
sustainability not gullibility. You can pretend there isn't a tipping point upon which you daily, gaily dance, but the physics are inescapable. Stuck on stoopid hastens the reckoning. Bogged down with bullshit doesn't alter the odds. Mired in destructive redundancies and spinning our wheels depletes the good will. While another round for the self-serving inertial forces that are perpetually perpetuating my seem imperative, for the rest of growing rest of us it's repulsive.
I stand with the rest of us, but I refuse to be used. I will, eagerly, put my hard-earned indignation up against anyone's, but I will not allow a middle-man to present my grievance. I've seen how far that gets us. It's not too late yet, but it's a lot later than they think.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Low-Budget Brooks? -OR- He Rode a Blazin' Saddle
Where's Mongo? Where's the Waco Kid? Where are the nonsensically sensible town folk?
Art imitates life? Life imitates art? Where is Lili Von Schtupp? Headly Lamarr?
Black Bart can't carry this blockbuster all by himself.
Typically, remakes add stupefying special effects or an array of a-listers, but so far this one's running long and the only scene is the circling singular wagon.
The little vignettes all seem to be of the inbred townsfolk failing to grasp the director's intent.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Small Town Smarm -OR- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
I've spent roughly 480 Monday nights observing the regular meetings of my village government. Countless more days and evenings have been spent at PTA, Boosters, various committee, school board, park district, township meetings, rallies, protests, assorted cause oriented gatherings... I have the scars to prove it. Drop my name in certain circles and you'll be instantly labeled as "not our kind" unless you preface your thoughts with "Do you believe this guy?"
My major gaffe along the way was in wanting things to make sense, taking accurate notes and actually reading the "information" that was offered. I admit that I read things in order to find the flaws in the thinking, but even that I came by honestly. Way back, when Jimmy Carter was Preznit, I was introduced to the YEAH BUT. Carter signed the still maligned C.E.T.A. program that funded certain public sector employment. An unintended consequence of the program transformed existing jobs creatively into "seasonal" employment positions so that CETA funds could be used. I was told that to keep my job I would have to qualify under C.E.T.A.'s guidelines. The first insurmountable hurdle of which was that the applicant had to be unemployed for 6 months. So I read the act and the caveats, learning that the program could not be used to replace current workers. So I fought it. To and fro, back and forth. In the end, I didn't have my job anymore, but most of my co-workers kept theirs. A few token heads rolled at the top of the organizational chart. I got a spot on my permanent record. Many of the co-workers are inviting me to their retirement parties.
But I digress...
Our next local election is 354 days away and the PR push has gotten earnest. From the outset this regime has been great at throwing parties. One of their first was the Y2K blowout complete with huge tent, live music, heaters and midnight toast. In hindsight, the midnight fireworks on the storefront rooftop across the street wasn't thought through completely. The damages were minimal, but most memories were fuzzy enough anyway. The tab for the festivities was never disclosed. Questions were just downplayed and diverted to the NEXT fab party known locally as the St. Patrick's Day parade (not to be confused with Chicago's or the South Side or any of the other dozen or so that occur in localities with vibrant public houses.) Then the All-School Picnic. Then the first of the Sidewalk Fests, Golf Outing, 4th of July, another sidewalk fest, art show and Octoberfest...
The hangover has been spending that ballooned from $12 million back in 1999 to this year's $33 Million. That's right. Over the last decade this village of 15,000 has spent over $100 million on "stuff" with little or nothing permanent or lasting.
Consultants, legal fees, party hats and balloons. Have another drink. Don't worry; be happy.
I've written several times about the asshats who run this town. Around town I'm starting to be asked who will be running for what this time around. I'm stumped.
Anyone with tenure and half a brain blew this popstand when the real estate frenzy was groovin'. Either that or they were fed up with the "selective enforcement" techniques focused by the PTB. I was either too stoopid or stubborn to join them.
We looked around, but the disease exhibited by this bunch is systemic around the metro area. If they aren't doing exactly the same things, exactly the same ways... they are dirt poor and blighted. Staying was a Hobson's Choice. This place was small enough to get hijacked by a relatively small, but organized group. It's small enough to take back and set right.
I've been consistent and vocal in opposition. (again, got the scars to prove it) There is a reckoning looming. I hope. If not, I could always try the kool-aid. Either way, I'm slowly heading toward a more formal arrangement of assisted living anyway. This bunch's steady insistence on how I should live, work and play will make the home my kids select seem almost free-wheelin'.
"The road goes on forever and the party never ends."
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
2-4 2sDay Anger Management? Fugthat.
Bonus: For Texas Betsy of MPS and The Beach House (Relaxed Politics) in the sidebar
Monday, April 12, 2010
1000 Words -OR- A Brand New Day
In a bold demonstration in forward thinkage, five average citizens found themselves in a hole. They stopped digging and started drinking!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
On The Street Where I Live -OR- Something In The Water?
WGN Radio in Chicago. Wally Philips' "People Place", is currently seeking submissions to fill yet another void down in Springfield. The legislature recently
voted to NOT pay for a portrait of infamous, unrepentant, twice-fired bon vivant and man about town Milorad R. Blagojevich.
One of my neighbors was moved by the plea and offered up two renderings.
I immediately thought of Driftglass' timely P-chop gallery of Blago-ness that deserve inclusion in the contest, but being a good neighbor, I will only mention it here, without linkage, to give Marc's work half a chance.
The WGN Contest submissions can be viewed here.
I like Marc's work, but I have to admit that the submission I would love to see hung in Springfield is this minimalist uncredited work.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
We Truly Are What We Eat -OR- More Shit For EVERYONE!
In the grand scheme...
For make no mistake it is a scheme.
You are entitled only to pays your money, spectate and STFU. Actual decisions are above your pay grade. Information is NEED TO KNOW only. What is determined to be your need and who makes such determination is also above your pay grade.
The workings of gummint are too complex and intricate for you to grasp. There are schools to explain it, but again, the gatekeepers determine who gets in and who's told to pursue other interests, like staying the fuck out of it.
Public meetings are not FOR the public. The agenda packet is provided as a courtesy.
If you have a specific question or concern, you must fill out the proper form, speak before the fact and not expect answers or a response. NEXT...
FOIA the information you seek. We will determine if your request is proper. Be specific. Use our approved nomenclature and terminology. Since it will be our lawyers who advise our decision, it would be best if you have your lawyer draw up your request. Better yet, have your lawyer call our lawyer. No need for pesky paperwork and records.
Have a nice day.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Riffing on Value/Worth -OR- Whaddaya Know?
Via a neighboring town's local paper, I learned that sales tax revenue in my little town has fallen 8.86%. On a local message forum I asked what that means. For me, 8.86% is a "Spinal Tap" number; without the humor.
Since there has been no official local news of impending financial doom, the most cogent response I received was that the shortfall was simply "absorbed". No sweat. Still, there is a rippling unease among the semi-aware that the sky may actually be falling in large chunky sections without much notice by those upon whom it is not landing.
Because the village coffers are supplied from a variety of taps, an 8.86% drop in one might be offset by a rise in one of the other tentacles. Internal bookkeeping adjustments, inter-fund loans, reserves and contingency funds can be juggled creatively, but I have to assume that an 8.86% drop represents a fairly significant dollar amount. As a semi-aware, I'd sort of like to know where I stand.
I was then told that I should call and ask directly. Otherwise, I should keep my concerns to myself. Except that I know that all of our officials visit this particular message forum daily. So does the local paper. Both are regularly dismissive of the content on the forum and only delurk to USE the medium as either a campaign tool or pulpit, never to engage in debate or discussion or (shudder) ANSWER A FUCKING QUESTION.
The officials are also dismissive of MOST information related in the local press.
They imply that you cannot rely on the "news", but then expect THEIR news to be disseminated by those same pages. What is a semi-aware to do? This particular contest of ring-around-the-rosie has been ongoing for a decade, but the game has been in progress since the first tribal councils. I can go back in the library archives of the local paper and find bits and items about various revenue streams with actual numbers cited. Typically in one or more articles each year, some actual numbers were gathered and summarized to give the readership a sense of financial condition. "The state of the Shire is sound!"
Granted that the balkanization and re-aggregation of an inner-ring Crook County suburb makes information plentiful. Whether it's relevant to the serfs or not is at issue. 99.9% of the excuses that pass as explanations are crap that would result in an ass-whooping of epic proportions if perpetrated by anyone of unofficial rank, yet are celebrated and cheered when foisted by bush leaguers who happen to be OUR bush leaguers.
Whachoo gonna do? Ya can't fight city hall. Ignore them and maybe they'll go away?
That's part and parcel of how we got into this mess in the first place. What is the answer? Beats the fuck outta me. The only thing I know for sure is that I can't fix it. First off, they won't let me and secondly, I ain't exactly popular for my POV.
I've been openly belittled, threatened, punished, chastised, dismissed, marginalized, insulted, slandered, pissed on, shat at and shunned. I've also, when truth manages to break clear of the bubble, been consistently proven right, but that don't help much. Can't beat `em. Won't join `em. I'm phooked. Not as alone as I've been in the past in that category and pretty damn sure that there are several bandwagons of folks who'd relish an opportunity for well-measured payback and a modicum of competence. The problem with that are the busloads of impractical wannabes who expect to lead the parade by virtue of their anger and bad-assedness. Yeah, like that's preferable...
Wait a minute! The sun just came out. Time for a walk...
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Hokey Smokies Bullwinkle -OR- Updating Adages: One Clusterfuck At A Time
If Santayana were asked for an update?
"Those who successfully re-write history are trying to rule it."
If Jean Kerr, riffing on Kipling ...
"If you haven't grasped the situation and can lose your mind on cue,
it's probable you've joined the Tea Bag Party."
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Home Run from 10G -OR- Another Obob Take-down
Whenever Tengrain opens a vein and cranks out more than a pithy paragraph,
it is worthy of study. His MPS snark, p-chops, bad signs and bad statues are pure genius, fer sure and well worth frequent, multiple, daily visitations, but FTTT he is moved to more elaborate dissections. Go there. READ. Enjoy.
I'm continually shocked when the quisling scribblings of the mostly-cloudy, acid trips through Reaganville, for which Skoorb `ObOb' Divad is obscenely paid, are put forth as more than the delusional half-baked back-peddlings and schillings of an otherwise empty and destructive ideology clinging to its inhuman, inhumane, destructive and deconstructionist revisionisms. It's shocking to me because his employers must know better. Evidently being absolutely fucking wrong about absolutely fucking everything while using mystical magical prose in the mid-section of the New York FUCKING Times is unrelated to the decline and demise of print media? It's not Obob's fault that reality relentlessly refuses to follow his oh-so simplistic (if you're on the juice) scripts, missing missives and digital diddlings.
I still get Obob's words tossed at me as cogent explanation of mine own misreading of our present catastri-clusterfuckeddom and proof that the way through our present circumstance is to double-down on stupid shit that fucked us over rather than not doing that shit AT ALL anymore.
And while I understand that things were briefly euphoric when the masses were unthinkingly following the glorious RWR detour into Opposite World, I also understand that I don't want to live there. That people got rich is indisputable.
OTOH, that being hyped up on bullshit, greed and hubris is a healthy long-term lifestyle that can be perpetuated? Or that the same old shit will sustain the bender
for another go-round? That fiscal health is over-rated anyway as long as you can be unhealthy in front of a 10 foot HD screen to watch fictionalized reality or drive your opulently appointed, briefly dependable, living room on wheels over the publicly funded roadways of Opposite World to wait on line to get the latest fashion accessory in already obsolete technology? Oh Fuck yeah! This is living?
Tomorrow's forecast is bleak. Live for yesterdays that never were, chasing the next fix! You're not a junkie. You're a patriotic consumer.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Cross Words -OR- Fuggit
I usually do the L.A. Times daily online crossword in under 15 minutes.
That leaves a lot of time to contemplate the reactor that is still in meltdown mode.
If you haven't figured it out yet. It's still a money trick. This is where conservatives have concentrated their forces. To preserve and protect the manifest destiny, of the wealthy, for the wealthy, in exchange for admission into the club.
Their hue and cry over absolutely everything is simply cover for the looting and pillaging that continues unchecked. Follow the money.
Their mission is largely accomplished. They have transformed the economy into a conduit by and for the wealthy. Any money you believe you have pooled is invested in
their reservoirs. With the flip of a switch they can manipulate your fear receptors to excite or calm your natural misgivings and worries about life, liberty et al.
Dance to their tune. It's the only music that's playing to the masses.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
April 4th Day -OR- DSTPS
Don't sweat the petty stuff.
Sadly, these days due to the ubiquitous pervasive pettiness; oddly branded as PARTISANSHIP... all we see and hear about is teh petty stuff.
As I hear and watch the "news", I filter; What does this mean? How does this HELP?
I find if I try to grok it, I'm more retarded after each and every encounter.
As much as I appreciate good snark and the rightLEFTeous outrage of
the progressive-ish blogging realm, I'm struck more each day by the been there; done that futility that more serves the asshats, dittoheads and replicants than any reasonable sorts. The Colosseum floor is waist-deep-wall-to-wall dung. Who in their right mind would willingly wade in?
Happy Fucking Easter Everybody.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Deja Nu? -OR- So Long And Thanks For Playing Their Game
Recycling 101
It's not hard to see how some people, encouraged by their spiritual leaders, who believe man; fully evolved, created in place and time, for a purpose known only to a creator, despite ample evidence to contradict the belief, would have trouble with reality-based concepts. What IS hard is having to adjust and limit progress to accommodate such shackles. What is IMPOSSIBLE is to govern a modern world based on prehistoric thinking. To insist on dominance by and for the followers of one distilled deity to the downgrading of other beliefs.
Less sophisticated, but no less fervent followers of dogma, in forming a new nation, forging a new promise for themselves and their progeny, recognized from grim and painful experience that mixing politics and religion is a recipe for less than optimal outcomes. They saw no danger to their own beliefs in allowing others to practice their own. The basis and tenets of our laws were the commonly held and shared beliefs that underpin otherwise disparate peoples. They recognized that the binding elements of these common beliefs were/are enough to sustain their own.
Our forefathers also recognized the risk that mobs can place on majority rule based systems and they came up with a uniquely American concept to deal with the problem.
A succinct prohibition on allowing one religion from forcing its beliefs on either the people or the laws of their new nation. They weren't singling out one dogma or one diety in their immunization. The men who conceived and agreed on the binding promise to all, came from many backrounds and sects. Still, they understood the damage that Theocracies throughout history had inflicted on each other and their own people and they wished to have no repeating of that history.
Taking steps to minimize those dangers was wise and prudent then; it still is.
An accepting, cognizant, secular society with lofty aspirations of peace, freedom and boundless opportunity? What an amazing concept. Timeless. And worthy of ANY deity's desires for the evolution of his/her creation.
But what personally frosts my gizzards is the unconscionable egotism and chutzpah of any persons or movement that would attempt to CONSCRIPT God for personal gain, power and projected dominion over others. Trying to conflate their own zealotry and general apathy into desire, expectation and NEED for their beliefs to be woven into the government.
For you visual/auditory learners, here's a little something for you that conveys
the importance and relevance.
Warning: NSFW